Shehla Chatoor unveiled her bridal collection some days back. Shehla Chatoor bridal 2012 collection consists of bridal lehengas mostly. The collection includes dresses that brides can wear for valima and wedding reception. Traditional embellishments and modern cuts characterize the stylish dresses in Shehla Chatoor bridal 2012 collection. The colors used in Shehla Chatoor bridal 2012 collection include those used traditionally for bridal wear like red, green and golden. Like most of the other bridal wear outfits, these bridal wear dresses by Shehla Chatoor are also heavily embellished. However, the designs are really unique.
Shehla Chatoor started with her label ‘Shehla’ in 1995. It is now one of the most well-known labels in our fashion industry. The designer provides intricately designed bridal, formal and casual wear outfits for ladies. She specializes in contemporary bridal wear. A wide range of products are provided by Shehla Chatoor. These include bridal, trousseau, formal, prêt, western formal, shoes, bags and accessories. Shehla Chatoor bridal and prêt line are particularly famous in Pakistan. The designer has participated in Pakistan Fashion Week and many other fashion shows. The brand ‘Shehla’ has also won an award for its dresses. If you want to contact the designer, you can do so through phone or email.
Shehla Chatoor bridal 2012 collection can be seen in the pictures below. The photo shoot for Shehla Chatoor bridal 2012 collection has a new concept. Moreover, the outfits are just beautiful. You can contact Shehla Chatoor if you want to have a nice bridal wear outfit from her collection. Get the email address and phone number through which you can contact Shehla Chatoor through her label’s fan page. The address of the fan page of Shehla on Facebook is mentioned below. You can also view the previous collections of Shehla Chatoor on
Shehla Facebook Fan Page:
Shehla Chatoor Bridal 2012 Collection for Women
Source: Shehla Chatoor