Shaista Lodhi is renowned Pakistani Morning show host who is now making her acting debut with drama serial Khawab Nagar. Shaista Loshi has hosted morning show on GEO TV and HUM Sitaray. She hosts a show Mehman Nawaz on Turkish channel SEE TV.
Faisal Qureshi is a versatile actor. He has worked in a lot of Pakistani dramas. Now, he hosts morning show ‘Salam Zindagi’ on ARY Zindagi. Shaista Lodhi and Faisal Qureshi are sharing screen for Khawab Nagar. The drama will be on aired on ARY Digital from 12th October.
Shaista Lodhi and Faisal Qureshi are sharing screen for Khawab Nagar
Shaista told about her character in these words, “I will be playing the role of one of those khawateen who watch me on my morning show. So my character is of a simple girl, who pretends to be very happy in life which she is; she has a loving husband and family but later she faces a tragedy and her life changes.”
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