Do you know that Sara Khan and Agha Ali have finally ended their long term dating relationship? Are you upset with this news story? Well as at one side, so many celebrity couples and their dating relations are becoming the main talk of the town, on the other side, break up story of Sara Khan and Agha Ali has made so many of their fans upset too.

Sara Khan and Agha ali has many times openly accepted their dating relation and hence made so many best appearances in so many shows too. They even did appeared together in the show, Band Khirkiyan in which their couple chemistry and acting has been appreciated at the high level. Both of them are the versatile celebrity stars from the showbiz world and has made a strong approach inside the media top list.

But recently it has been rumored out that Sara Khan and Agha Ali has ended their dating relationship and it is complete a confirmed today. Both of them have even un-followed each other from the social media account that is finally a confirmation story.
Both the celebrities have not yet confirmed this rumor but the silence says it all!