
Most Effective Home Remedies for Instant Glow

Everyone of us wants to have glowing and flawless skin. in the world of today when life has become too tough, managing the things in the right way and taking care of the skin has become really tough. We never know which moisturizers would work best for us. Here are some most effective home remedies for instant glow.

Honey & Lemon

Take one tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix both of the things properly and apply to your face. Let it be there for about 30 minutes. Honey and lemon both are highly effective to give you natural glow and removes the dark spots from your skin. Once you see that the mixture has been dried, wash the face thoroughly with cold water.

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Home Remedies for Instant Glow


Oats are also effective for your skin. This home remedy would work as a scrubber, giving you a superb and charming look. You can take half cup of oats and pour some water in it. Let it be on your face for about 15 minutes. This would increase the blood circulation, and would remove the dark spots, circles, and pimples from the skin. The remedy has no side effects.



Tomatoes are also very effective for instant glow of the skin. You can take a few tomatoes and prepare their paste to be applied on the skin. In another case, you can simply take a single tomato and rub to your skin until its pulp gets applied properly. The natural bleaching properties of this ingredient would maintain the shine and glow of the skin. Rinse thoroughly with cold water after 20 minutes to have wonderful results.

See: Top 10 Causes Of Dry Skin

Home Remedies for Instant Glow

Rice Flour

Take rice and give it powdered form. It can be applied to your skin just like a paste. The paste can either be prepared in water or milk. This would remove blackheads, and would give your skin glowing and charming look.

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