
Momal Sheikh is on vacations with family !

Sheikh Family is considered the most established and talented family in Showbiz. They have been starred in countless tv shows , drama serials , telefilms and on big screen. Momal Sheikh is also one of their members. She is Televison actress. She is daughter of senior actor Javed Sheikh and sister of Shahzad Sheikh. She got married to Nader Nawaz and the couple has a cute son whose name is Ibrahim. Momal Sheikh appeared in drama serial on Geo Tv. Later on she has seen in drama serial Mira tul Uroos. She showed her skills across the border in  Bollywood film “Happy Bhaag Jayegi” which is her Debut film.

See Momal Sheikh is on vacations with her family :

Momal Sheikh is on vacations and spending quality time with her family in UK. Have a look.




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