Mehwish Hayat is top Pakistani actress, model and singer. She is multi talented girl who has shown her talent in different fields of showbiz. She has worked in many dramas that include Mirat ul Uroos, Dil Lagi, Ishq Wala Love, Mere Katil Mere Dildar etc. She has worked in Pakistani movies that include Jawani Phir Nahi Aani, Actor in Law, Na Maloom Afrad etc. Mehwish Hayat has sung OST of many Pakistani dramas. She has also been part of Coke Studio 9. Gorgeous Mehwish Hayat for the very First Time Performed Concert in New York. She was dolled up in Nomi Ansari Outfit. See beautiful pictures of Mehwish Hayat.
Mehwish Hayat for the very First Time Performed Concert in New York
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