Imran Abbas has honestly made us so incredibly proud. The actor was in Qatar to walk at the International Fashion Show that showcased a number of prestigious international designers, including Pakistani designer Maria B. The actor was the showstopper for Spanish designer Alejandro Resta, dressed as a matador. Maya Ali And Imran Abbas Walk On The Ramp For Maria B . A matador is a Spanish bullfighter whose task is to kill the bull. Actress Maya Ali was present too as she was chosen as showstopper for home designer Maria B.
Maya Ali And Imran Abbas Walk On The Ramp For Maria B
Imran and Maya starred in hit drama ‘Mera Naam Yousuf Hai’ in 2015 and were much loved as an on-screen couple by Pakistani fans. Maya looked like an absolute vision in a pastel green lehenga. Fans flocked to the comments section to gush over Imran’s perfection. Maya Ali And Imran Abbas Walk On The Ramp For Maria B . With many lauding his Spanish attire as he looked incredibly regal.
It is to be mentioned here that the event will be held at Mondrian Doha hotel, West Bay on January 24. Maya Ali And Imran Abbas Walk On The Ramp For Maria B . The function is for free and seats will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis.