Mathira Opens Up About Why Pakistani Entertainers Don’t Talk Harassment, Always been in news for her bold avatars and roles, Mathira never misses an opportunity to make headlines. The woman can currently be seen in Geo Kahani’s Nagin, entertaining the audienece with her sultry moves. Recently Mathira opened up about harassment in the Pakistani industry while talking to a leading channel.
“There are instances of sexual harassment here as well. But in most cases, the perpetrators are not the established, well-known names. Those who have a reputation of professionalism, of getting the job done, don’t indulge in such things,” mentioned the lady.
Mathira Opens Up About Why Pakistani Entertainers Don’t Talk Harassment
Adding further, Mathira mentioned how these people only targeted the young actors who were new in the industry and didn’t know much about anything. She added that actors who could be forced to keep silent were the main targets of predators that prowled the industry.
Mathira Opens Up About Why Pakistani Entertainers Don’t Talk Harassment
Talking about her own personal experiences with Harasament, Mathira said that she avoided shady men by sticking to a safe organization during the start of her journey and now advises new comers to do the same. “My advice for newcomers would be to only start working with established channels until they gain recognition and build contacts to avoid such problems in their career which will create a hassle,” shared the Nagin star.
On a professional level, Mathira is busy is Nagin while she is gearing up to release two of her songs the next. However, currently the lady is also expecting her second child, being a mother to a three-year-old already.