One of the most talented actresses in Pakistani theatre, Mansha Pasha shared her beautiful photos on Instagram. Mansha’s career began in 2011 in romance, two episodes of the award-winning Humsafar series, which aired on Hum TV and played the role of Khirad’s friend Ayesha in it. The star of the drama is Mahira Khan and Fawad Khan. Mansha Pasha Looks Exquisite In Her Emerald Green Top, It has been highly evaluated, and her performance has also been highly evaluated by critics and the public. Then, she played small roles in “Shehr-e-Zaat” with Mahira Khan, Mikaal Zulfiqar and Mohib Mirza, becoming Falak’s friend Rashna. This TV series is also aired on Hum TV. The hot drama of 2012 won six different awards, and her role in the drama was also appreciated.
Mansha Pasha Looks Exquisite In Her Emerald Green Top
The actress paired her emerald green top with the red upper, and her parasol is icing on the cake.
She wrote in the post: “Catch the last sunshine.”
Fans quickly responded to their latest snapshot with warm responses and compliments.
Prior to this, Mansha Pasha and fiance Jibran Nasir looked very cute and they took a group photo together on their birthday.
Mohabbat Tujhe Alvida star and her partner took to Instagram to treat lovebird fans.
In addition, Mansha Pasha’s popular drama series include: Shehr-e-Zaat, Madiha Maliha, Zindagi Gulzar Hai, Verasat, Mera Naam Yusuf Hai and Khudgharz.
She is very active on social media and often expresses her views on various current events.