Mani Roasts Shaan With a Hilarious Clip From Old Movie. Recently the Lollywood actor, Shaan Shahid called out Faisal Qureshi for his lack of experience in movie direction after the not-so-good response of his high-budgeted film, Money Back Guarantee. In response, Mani criticized Shaan by sharing his action sequence from one of his old films and sarcastically termed it as an ‘inspirational action sequence’.
For the unversed, Shaan Shahid compared Faisal’s directorial debut to his popular commercials for ‘Ufone’, stating that commercials are only 45 seconds long and are much simpler than filmmaking. Money Back Guarantee is an action-comedy that was written and directed by Faisal Qureshi. The film features an ensemble cast including Fawad Khan, Hina Dilpazir, Ali Safina, Wasim Akram, Shayan Khan, Mikaal Zulfiqar, Gohar Rasheed, and Jan Rambo.
Qureshi’s debut as a feature film director has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. While some praised the film’s unique storyline and entertaining performances, others criticized the film’s direction and screenplay.
The Pakistani television industry is known for its talented and versatile actors, and among them, Hira Mani has established herself as a prominent name. With her captivating performances and charming personality, Hira has won the hearts of millions of viewers around the world. Recently, the actress posted a video on her Instagram with her husband Mani, and it is simply adorable!