Fashion is something that every one would want to be update with, practicing fashion enhances your personality and makes your more presentable. Jewellery is not just fashion it is a part of a womens daily life, not to forget it is used to add colour to a women. Here on we bring the latest fashion from the suburbs of Europe to Pakistan making it more easir for all the girls out there to be familiar as to what is IN and whats OUT ,i.e “earings,necklaces,brooches,bracelets”. Not to forget women are famous of being shopoholick and brand concious so here are some trends from OPIA one of the leading brand in Europe. So girls gear up as u are about to witness the best sieght ever :).
pink bracelets
Sea horse necklace
Owl earings
Traditional earings
feather necklace
Dragon ring and bracelet
Silverish bronze necklace