Kareena Kapoor is renowned Bollywood actress and model. She is married to Saif Ali Khan. She is sister of well known Karishma Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor is pregnant. Soon she is going to mother of a child. She is showing baby bump in style. She has become trendsetters in B-Town. She is also displaying different trendy getup for pregnant women.
Kareena Kapoor has done a number of hit movies. Recently, She has worked in a movie Udtaa Punjab along with Shahid Kapoor and Alia Butt. She is face of many famous brands.
Kareena Kapoor walks on ramp for Lakme Fashion Week 2016. Mommy to be Kareena Kapoor looks graceful. Her pregnancy has added to her beauty. She knows how to style well and how to show a baby bump in style. Here we have recent picture of Kareena Kapoor. Have a look.
Mommy to be Kareena Kapoor looks graceful