Kareena Kapoor is Bollywood actress and model who is married to Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. In past few days, there have been rumours about her pregnancy. The confusion was created by her father’s tweet. His father is the cause of rumours who said it’s high time his daughter embraced motherhood, reports Pinkvilla. Kareena Kapoor is back from London and she looked into the matter and reacted in a funny way.
Kareena Kapoor’s reaction on rumours about her pregnancy
A reporter asked Kareena Kapoor about her pregnancy. Kareena Kapoor’s reaction on rumours about her pregnancy was quite funny. See Kareena Kapoor’s reaction on rumours about her pregnancy in this link.
Kareena Kapoor’s reaction on rumours about her pregnancy
Also see: Neelum Munir Met Kareena Kapoor