Faryal Mehmood is all set to make her way into the films with the fresh upcoming production Sorry-A Love Story. Well its originally announced cast included Faysal Qureshi, Amina Sheikh, Zahid Ahmed and Soya Hussyn. Sonya Hussain has already made herself to be the part of Urwa Hocane’s debut production Tich Button. Things went little messy when the director of Sorry unveiled that Sonya has left the film whereas Sonya Hussain stated that she was not even aware of it!
The things got even much messier when it was unveiled that Sonya Hussyn has been replaced by Faryal Mehmood in the film. Faryal Mehmood has been all transformed herself dramatically as she lost a lot of weight and has been very active in the range of the ndustry since. Faryal Mehmood is also the part of Yasra Rizvi’s film Senti Aur Mental and now she will also be seen in Sorry. This is a big achievement for the actress.
The confusion is not totally cleared now as Faryal Mehmood will be seen in Sorry in place of Sonys Hussyn!