Bits of gossip about Saboor Aly endeavoring suicide had as of late spread after she was hospitalized. Given that she is a well-known big name, and sister of Sajal Aly it bodes well that she is dependably in the open eye, which additionally adds to bits of gossip spread about her.

As of late, there were bits of gossip being spread about her ongoing hospitalization and the news spread like fierce blaze. The bits of gossip come to be a direct result of her ongoing entrance into an emergency clinic. Pakistanis were in stun and started to wish her everything of the best.
Saboor Aly reacted on the rumors and clear the air about the rumors beings spread about her suicide news. In an Instagram post, she talked about how she was hospitalized for serious food contamination and not endeavored suicide.

She proceeded with the post by expressing gratitude toward friends and family for monitoring her to check whether she was alright. Saboor referenced she was lowered by the measure of adoration and concern she felt originating from individuals. She expressed gratitude toward them for being so concerned and for their well-wishes.